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$fetch-Like Composable

Returns the raw response of the API endpoint. Intended for actions inside methods, e.g. when sending form data to the API when clicking a submit button.


$myApi is a placeholder used as an example in the documentation. The composable is generated based on your API endpoint ID. For example, if you were to call an endpoint jsonPlaceholder, the composable will be called $jsonPlaceholder.

Type Declarations

interface SharedFetchOptions {
   * Skip the Nuxt server proxy and fetch directly from the API.
   * Requires `client` set to `true` in the module options.
   * @remarks
   * If Nuxt SSR is disabled, client-side requests are enabled by default.
   * @default false
  client?: boolean
   * Cache the response for the same request.
   * You can customize the cache key with the `key` option.
   * @default false
  cache?: boolean
   * By default, a cache key will be generated from the request options.
   * With this option, you can provide a custom cache key.
   * @default undefined
  key?: string

type ApiClientFetchOptions =
  Omit<NitroFetchOptions<string>, 'body' | 'cache'>
  & {
    path?: Record<string, string>
    body?: string | Record<string, any> | FormData | null

function $Api<T = unknown>(
  path: string,
  opts?: ApiClientFetchOptions & SharedFetchOptions
): Promise<T>


By default, a unique key is generated based in input parameters for each request to ensure that data fetching can be properly de-duplicated across requests. You can provide a custom key with the key option:

const route = useRoute()

const data = await $myApi('posts', {
  key: `posts-${}`



The example below assume that you have set up an API endpoint called jsonPlaceholder:

// `nuxt.config.ts`
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-api-party'],

  apiParty: {
    endpoints: {
      jsonPlaceholder: {
        url: ''
<script setup lang="ts">
const data = await $jsonPlaceholder(
    method: 'POST',
    body: {
      foo: 'bar'
    async onRequest({ request }) {
    async onResponse({ response }) {
    async onRequestError({ error }) {
    async onResponseError({ error }) {

    <h1>{{ data?.title }}</h1>

Client Requests


Authorization credentials will be publicly visible. Also, possible CORS issues ahead if the backend is not configured properly.


Note: If Nuxt SSR is disabled, all requests are made on the client-side by default.

To fetch data directly from your API and skip the Nuxt server proxy, set the apiParty module option client to true:

// `nuxt.config.ts`
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-api-party'],

  apiParty: {
    endpoints: {
      // ...
    client: true

Now you can make client-side requests by setting the client option to true in the composable.

const data = await $jsonPlaceholder(
  { client: true }


Set the client module option to always to make all requests on the client-side.

Released under the MIT License.